The MERGE statement, often referred to as an "upsert", is a powerful SQL command that allows you to insert, update, or delete records in one table based on the source data from another table. It's a combination of the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

Basic Syntax

                            MERGE INTO target_table AS target
                            USING source_table AS source
                            ON (target.column_name1 = source.column_name1)
                            WHEN MATCHED THEN 
                                UPDATE SET target.column_name2 = source.column_name2,...
                            WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN 
                                INSERT (column1, column2,...) VALUES (value1, value2,...);


Let's assume we have two tables - Employees (the target table) and NewData (the source table). We want to update the salary of employees in the Employees table with the data from the NewData table where the IDs match. If there's no match, we want to insert the new record.

                            MERGE INTO Employees AS e
                            USING NewData AS nd
                            ON (e.EmployeeID = nd.EmployeeID)
                            WHEN MATCHED THEN 
                                UPDATE SET e.Salary = nd.Salary
                            WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN 
                                INSERT (EmployeeID, Name, Salary) VALUES (nd.EmployeeID, nd.Name, nd.Salary);

This operation will ensure that all existing employee salaries are updated based on the NewData table, and any new employees found in the NewData table are added to the Employees table.


  • Ensure that the ON clause uses a column (or set of columns) that can uniquely identify records in both tables.
  • The MERGE statement is atomic, meaning it's an all-or-nothing operation. If any part fails, the entire operation is rolled back.
  • Be cautious with the DELETE operation in a MERGE statement. It can be powerful but potentially destructive if not used judiciously.